Grouse-shooting and an accident


In August 1905 Collingwood and his father were at Barras in Westmoreland for the grouse-shooting season.



0 August 1905, Barras, Westmoreland

In the little cluster of fir trees that grow just without our house on the bleak hillside, a number of Willow Wrens had collected. I have never noticed them in this exposed situation before: these wind-swept trees afford but meagre accommodation for bird-life and, as a rule, are destitute of inhabitants. I presume therefore, these Willow Wrens were merely travellers, already obeying their migratory instincts.



Larch tree at Barras,                                       Barnard Castle                              Westmoreland farmhand   a viaduct in view                                                                                 


21 August 1905. Barras, Westmoreland

Yesterday, being wet and rough, we were obliged to forego our shooting and, to pass the time, I visited Barnard Castle with my father. After lunch I looked in at the local bird-stuffer, a man of considerable skill and some intelligence. Among the interesting things he told me was that the Yellow Wagtail had only within recent times become an annual visitor to the district. Fourteen years ago, he procured his first pair – he had waited long to kill these poor little pioneers and as night fell he shot the remaining male bird. Since then they have apparently increased steadily, until now in every valley where there is attractive meadow-land or other ground suitable to their habits a pair or more of these wagtails is to be found.


And then an accident.


Barras, 26 September 1905 (entry made a month later)

Met with an accident – received a pellet in my eye.



A special train was laid on to take him from Westmoreland to London at a cost of 1/- a mile. He was seen by the King’s oculist Sir Anderson Critchett. The injury proved less serious than first thought, but a diary entry a month later shows that he was advised not to travel until the New Year. Of course he did.