1900 Diary


'1 March, While at dinner tonight in rushed Mr Temple to say that a procession to celebrate the releif of Ladysmith was without, expecting to find Pids [Collingwood's father] at home whom they wished to thank for the way he had aided the war by the presentation of two Colt guns. Mr Temple insisted that I in his absence should return thanks. It was therefore with many feelings that I went out and, after Mr Temple had spoken, thanked them on his behalf. How glad I was that darkness helped to conceal my nervousness.' 


           house sparrow, greenfinch, hedge sparrow
house sparrow, greenfinch, hedge sparrow

In May, laid up with measles, he tried his hand at painting eggs.

In the same month he first took an interest in falconry.


'25 May, I took train over to Dover where I visited the bird-dealer Chatwin. This man (and his father before him) has always done a fair trade by taking the young of the falcons that nest in the high chalk cliffs near this town and selling them at £1 a piece for hawking purposes. He had one young falcon in his shop when I visited him and a very fascinating little fellow he looked having the appearance of an exaggerated lady’s powder puff, being covered by the softest of down save where the feathers were sprouting in the wing and tail. When sleeping undisturbed it lay flat on the ground like the Norfolk plovers are said to do, but immediately raised itself when alarmed. '